A brief history of Berlin

This brief history of Berlin contains only the most important facts!

 From prehistory to the foundation of Berlin

8000 BC
In the Paleolithic Age the area around Berlin is populated for the first time.

6/7 AD
West Slavic tribes move to the area. In the west, the Hevelli, in the east (in Köpenick), the Sprewane settle.

11. 6. 1157
Albert the Bear (1100-1170), of the House of Ascania, conquers Brandenburg.

Spandau, now a well-known subburb of Berlin, is first mentioned in a document.

28. 10. 1237
Cölln, the sister town of Old Berlin, appears in a document.

26. 1. 1244
Berlin is first mentioned in a document.

From 1280 to the Thirty Years War
Berlin gets a mint.

The Nicolaikirche, the oldest church in Berlin, is built.

Nicolaikirche is the oldest church in Berlin

The Marienkirche (St. Mary' s church), appears in a document.

20. 3. 1307
Union between Berlin and Cölln. The two cities build a common  town hall on the Lange Brücke (Long Bridge), now Rathausbrücke, but remain independent.

Several fires destroy Berlin.

The Hohenzollern dynasty becomes the new ruler of the Mark Brandenburg. The first margrave is Friedrich IV. of Hohenzollern (Elector Frederick I of Brandenburg).

Elector Frederick II., also known as Iron Teeth, lies the foundation for a new castle which is completed in 1451. This castle exsists for 500 years (see also 1950).

1. 11. 1539
Joachim II. introduces the Reformation in Berlin.

A hunting castle in Grunewald is built by Caspar Theyß.This hunting castle is the oldest castle in Berlin that still exists.

The plague rages in Berlin. Approximately 4000 people die.

The Spandau Citadel is completed.

 The Thirty Years War brings destruction, depopulation and misery to Berlin.

The boulevard Unter den Linden is created during the reign of Frederick William (Great Elector). It derives its name from the 1000 lime trees that are planted there.

From the Middle of the 17th century to the Seven Years' War

The first map of Berlin (Memhardt-Plan) is published.

1662, 1674, 1688
Three new towns Friedrichwerder, Dorotheenstadt and Friedrichstadt are created.

8. 11. 1685
Edict of Potsdam: refugees from France (Huguenots) settle in Berlin.

The construction of a castle in Charlottenburg begins. It is named after Sophie Charlotte, the wife of Frederick III. who died 1705. It is situated in a village called Litzen which is later named Charlottenburg.

Charlottenburg Castle

The Academy of Arts is founded.

 The Academy of Sciences is established.

Elector Frederick III. (1657-1713) becomes the first king in Prussia.

Berlin, Cölln, Friedrichstadt, Friedrichswerder and Dorotheenstadt are united.

The Charité is founded. It becomes later one of Germany’s renowned hospitals.

The contruction of a new city wall begins. It consists of 14 gates, is used as a customs wall and also prevents the desertion of soldiers.It was completely demolished in the second half of the 19 th century, except of the Brandenburger Gate, opened in 1791.

1756 - 63
Seven Years' War; Berlin was occupied by Russian and Austrian troops.

The 19th century

  1806 - 08 
Napoleon occupies Berlin. He steals the Quadriga from the Brandenburg Gate and takes it to Paris.

The Friedrich-Wilhelms University -  the present Humboldt University - opens. It is an elite university today.

The first gas lighting in Berlin is installed Unter den Linden.

Berlin gets its first railway. It runs from Berlin to Potsdam.

1. 8. 1844
The zoological garden is opened. It is the oldest zoo in Germany.

18. 3. 1848
The revolution takes place in Berlin. About 183 people die during street fights.

The first advertising columns are erected. They are named after its inventor, printer and publisher Ernst Litfaß.                                  

Berlin becomes the capital of the newly founded German Empire.

16. 5. 1881
The first electric tram in the world runs in Lichterfelde, a suburb in the south west of Berlin.

The 20th century

18. 2. 1902
The underground railway runs for the first time in Berlin.

2. 6. 1906
The Teltow Canal is opened.

1914 - 1918
The First World War brings hardship and misery to Berlin.

9. 11. 1918
After the abdication of the Elector William II. , the Weimar Republic is proclaimed.

15. 1. 1919
Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg, two leading communists and the founders of the Spartacus Leaque, are murdered.

The cities of Charlottenburg, Wilmersdorf, Schöneberg, Lichtenberg, Neukölln, Spandau, Köpenick, 27 estate and 59 rural communities unite themselves to form Great-Berlin.

19. 9. 1921
The Avus, Germany's first car racing track, is opened.

10 .12. 1928
The Berlin transport company (BVG) ist founded.

30. 1. 1933
The Nazis come to power.

27. 2. 1933
The Reichstag burns. The Dutchman Marinus van der Lubbe is arrested and executed for arson.

10. 5. 1933
The Nazis burn books by authors they hate on Opernplatz (today Bebelplatz).

1. - 16. 8. 1936
The XI. summer Olympic games take place in Berlin.

9. 11. 1938
First persecution of the Jews in the "Kristallnacht". Jewish buildings and shops are burned. Many jewish people are maltreated and murdered.

1. 9. 1939
The Second World War breaks out.

The deportation of the Berlin Jews begins.

2. 5. 1945
Berlin capitulates. Large parts of the city have been destroyed. The city is divided by the victorious powers, (the French, Americans, British and Soviets) into four occupation zones.

4. 10. 1948
The  Freie Universität (Free University) is founded (seat Dahlem).

7. 10. 1949
The GDR is founded; East Berlin becomes its capital.

The old castle in East Berlin is blown up. It stood on this site for 500 years. see above

6. 6. 1951
The International Film Festival (Berlinale) takes place for the first time in West Berlin.

17. 6. 1953
An uprising breakes out in East Berlin. Many people die.

The International Building Exhibition takes place and many new houses are erected especially in the Hansaviertel.
The Congress Hall (now House of World Cultures) is created within this project.

3. 8. 1961
Construction of the Berlin Wall.

24. 9. 1963
John F. Kennedy, President of the United States, visits West Berlin and holds a speech in front of the Schöneberg Town Hall.

The Palace of the Republic is completed on the site of the demolished Berlin Castle. It ist the seat of the government of the GDR, and a place for ordinary people with various cultural institutions and restaurants. It is dismantled in 2006.

9. 11.1989
The Berlin Wall falls.

3. 10. 1990
East and West Berlin are reunited.
Berlin becomes again the capital of Germany.

June / July 2006
The football world cup takes place in Germany. The final takes place  at Olympic Station.

11.12. 2014
Klaus Wowereit ( SPD), the longest reigning acting mayor of Berlin resigns after 13 years in office. His successor becomes Michael Müller (SPD).

12 people are killed and dozens injured during a terror attack at Breitenbachplatz.

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