Bridges in Berlin

Berlin has more bridges than Venice! From large bridges where the traffic never stops to small footbridges. By the way a bridge is a Brücke in German.

All kinds of people meet on this charming bridge in Kreuzberg during warm evenings.They relax, eat, drink and have fun.
 U-Bahn: U1 (Kottbusser Tor)
Admiralbridge in winter

Glienicker Brücke
This bridge connects Berlin to Potsdam. The present bridge was erected 1907, but several bridges have existed before. During the cold war the bridge was the scene of three exchanges of agents between East and West. Just like in a James Bond movie! In 2015 a real movie “The Bridge of Spies” was shot there.
Bus 316
Glinicker Bridge

Jungfernbrücke (Virginbridge)
This drawbridge was erected in 1798 and is Berlin's oldest bridge. It no longer functions as a drawbridge. According to one legend, it got its name from virgins, who lived near the bridge and never married because they were talking bad about persons.
S-Bahn: S5, S7, S75 (Jannowitzbrücke)
U-Bahn: U8 (Jannowitzbrücke)

Löwenbrücke (lionbridge)
You will find Berlin's oldest suspension bridge in the Tiergarten. It dates from 1838, but unfortunately it is no longer in use.
 S3, S5, S7, S9, S75 (Tiergarten)

view of Löwenbrücke

People are drawn to this bridge in Friedrichshain to watch romantic sunsets.
S-Bahn: S5, S7, S75 (Warschauer Straße)
U-Bahn: U1 (Warschauer Straße)

Berlin’s best known bridge was built 1884-1896. It has two impressive towers that resemble a castle. During the cold war, it was divided between East and West Berlin. Oberbaumbrücke means Uppertreebridge.The upper tree was a tree that served as a border and blocked the river Spree to prevent ships from entering Berlin.
U1 (Schlesisches Tor)

Oberbaum Brücke has two twin towers

Schloßbrücke (Castle Bridge)
Schloßbrücke is one of Schinkels masterpieces. Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781- 1841) was Berlin's star architect of the 19th century. The Schloßbrücke was erected between 1821-1824 and replaced a former wooden bridge. From the 1950’s to 1991 it was called Marx-Engels-Brücke. After Germany’s reunification it got its old name back.
U2 (Hausvogtteiplatz) Bus 100, 200 (Lustgarten)

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